About Us

Made in South Australia since 2014

Established in 2014, PōPSI COOL is a South Australian Family owned and operated business who craft a range of ice pops using some of Australia’s finest fruity ingredients. Our business philosophy is to create fruity ice pops which are as natural and as delicious as possible!

Made with Real Fruit


PōPSI COOL is an artisan handcrafted, 100% natural ice pop made with the highest quality local ingredients. Our diverse range of refreshing ice pops includes Gluten Free, Dairy and Dairy Free options to suit your lifestyle.

Family Owned & Operated


In 2020 Gelista, South Australia’s premium gelato manufacturer took over the production of PōPSI COOL ice pops. Gelista are dedicated to maintaining the quality of PōPSI COOL ice pops by sourcing from Australian farmers wherever possible. We have a passion for crafting exceptionally refreshing ice pops from Australia’s most premium ingredients and delivering excellent customer service.

Proudly brought to you by Gelista